Friday, January 8, 2010

A sad day

I'm finally able to post about my sadness. We had to put down our dog, baby bear, Jan. 2. She was 16 years old and had a horrible cancerous tumor on her chest. She was our baby. It's so very empty here in our house without her. Our white kitty, Snow White, is greiving too. She loved bear and would talk to her and even kiss her! I'm worried she might greive too much. Our life was so revolved around bear it's just really hard to have life without her! She was part shepherd and lab. People told us she looked like a black german shepherd. She was so sweet and really smart. Even when she got so she couldn't hear we could do hand signals and she caught on to them so rapidly! I always thought she should have been a guide dog. I won't talk too long about her as i'll just cry, not for her so much as for myself, my loss. She's finally not suffering.

It's really cold here today. We have lots of snow and are supposed have more. We're used to it here in Iowa tho. Not loving it but just used to the fact that we will have lots of snow and cold! =-) How's the weather where you are? I'd love to know.