Friday, May 15, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I swear all it does is rain! I'm so sick of rain. Right now it's getting all dark again. I want my sunshine back. LOL. I guess i'll have to craft again today.

What's it like where you are? What are you crafting? I'd like to hear. I'm still making my dolls. I need to make more ATCs but just can't get inspired. My granddaughter and great granddaughter are in Calif. visiting relatives so i'm kind of missing them. =) Really i wish i were there with them! I haven't been to California since i was 19 and that's been quite a long time! =) I'd love to be by the beach just sitting, watching.

We had hoped to go to yard sales today but couldn' funds. =) I love finding buttons, cloth, broken jewelry, just anything to help with my doll making. I couldn't go anyhow as it's raining too hard! Darn. Can you tell i'm bored today? LOL.

Nothing much to say today. I think i'll go work on more dolls. I wish you all the best day ever! Spend it with loved ones, craft, whatever makes you happy! Until next time. BIG HUGS

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